Sunday, January 12, 2014

Costume Designer Awards Season

The award season is coming up and people are looking at who is going to win for best costume desin.

The clear frontrunner is Michael Wilkinson for American Hustle.

The costume designs for the movie are essential to the success of the film.

The cloths, especially for Amy Adam's character and Jennifer Lawerence, are showstoppers.

The classic fight in Hollywood has always been between period pieces and modern movies. And here you have another example. The other two films getting nominations are Great Gatsby and 12 Years a Slave.

My personal favorite are the costumes in American Hustle. The 1970's is a tricky period to get right. If you over do it then you are going to be parodying the period. That's not good. Especially for a drama. It's fine if you are doing something like Anchorman or another SNL style movie, but with a Drama you want to be serious.

It's similar to the case with Downton Abbey. If you go overboard, then you are going to make it look silly and it will be comic. Something like you might see in an old Moty Python skit.

The clothes in the 1970's were cool. People liked them for a reason. The problem today is that all to often they are simply made fun of. You can take jabs at some of the stuff -- namely the mens suits---but you have to admit that there were lots of hot looking designs. The stuff that Amy Adams wears in the movie is hot.

I have to say that the womens outfits, the deep plunging necklines, are going to spark a comeback. They were populer for good reason, they were awesome!