Monday, December 30, 2013

Joan Rivers Slams Jennifer Lawerence!

That Joan Rivers is a joke. An unfunny one at that. She's made a career of making fun of people more talented than her, better looking, and more successful.

Does everyone remember when Joan Rivers made fun of Elizabeth Taylor? Sure, she's just a third rate Don Rickles.

Joan Rivers is now making fun of Jennifer Lawerence. What world am I in?

First thing: Jennifer Lawerence doesn't pretend to be a starlet.She doesn't sell sex. Let's take a look at her big movies:

1. Wintersbone---She got attention for her acting. Certainly not her pretty clothes, makeup, or anything else. She was playing a poor Ozarks girl.

2. Hunger Games--Ditto. She was playing a character that started out dressing like a Appalachian coal miner. Then she was running in the woods fighting for her life.

3. Silver Linings Playbook--She was a depressed woman that loved to dance.

None of these roles got attention for the way the character looked. They got attention for the strong action.

Rivers is a bitter old woman.

Here is the L.A. times article on her.,0,6457478.story#axzz2p0DkQ5dX