Saturday, August 24, 2013

Gina Carano as Wonder Woman?

For fans of the Wonder Woman movie, this is really cool news. Gina is probably the best actress out there for the part. She certainly has the physicality. Adriane Paliacki was an awesome choice, but that show fell through for some reason. It would be cool if they put it back together as a movie. I think that anyone who saw Gina in Haywire would agree she is a super choice.

Here is an interview with Adrianne where she talks about the show.

Adriane is probably a more classic choice, and she certainly had the look, but Gina would be great as well. She is a MMA fighter and has a super cool look. I think that alot of people were kind of wondering how the television show as going to be. David E Kelly was behind it. He was the guy that did alot of talky quirky stuff like Ally McBeal and The Practice. None of that was too reassuring for fans of wonder woman. Oddly enough, his wife in real life Michelle Pheifer would have been an awesome Wonder Woman.

That is the one thing about Gina as Wonder Woman. She has a sick body, totally awesome, but it is not what people think about when they think Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman didn't look tough. She had a slender physique, not a cross fit.

But I think that would work great. When I watch Gina Carano, I believe that she can actually fight. Because she can. She looks like she can beat up most guys. It would be a super cool and sexy movie.

Here is where Gina talks about a possible Wonder Women movie.

Here is another interview with Gina about the Wonder Woman movie.

And here is a thread where fans discuss the possibility.