Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Sexy Vampire Costumes In Film: Underworld to True Blood

There is a long history of sexy vampires dating back to the French vampire films of the 1960’s. The original films like Vampire Lovers staring Ingrid Pitt featured gothic dress, Victorian outfits. These were very similar to the outfits that you might see in a regular Hollywood movie. They were flowing dresses, though there were still more revealing than your normal Warner Brothers vampires (think the brides of Dracula, but more raunchy.)

You will see a similar sexy vampire costume in Francis Ford’s Dracula. Monica Bellucci wears an outfit that is based upon the old Hollywood style but is cut in a more modern way. In fact anytime you are going to see the brides of Dracula they are going to be portrayed in this manner. It’s only when you start to see a revising of the look and the content of the film that you will see something that starts to be more daring.

A movie like Underworld is a perfect example of the changing look of the vampire. Kate Beckinsale doesn’t wear long flowing dresses. She wears  a tight rubber suit that looks more kink and fetish than traditional vampire. But it works so well. She has it look like a steampunk gothic fetish club outfit, and it rocks. In the sequels it looks more sleak and less steampunk, but the overall design is still there.

If you want to do a sexy vampire costume that is traditional, then you will want to go with an old fashioned gown style. You can do this yourself either by using a dress that you already own and adding things like vampire teeth and pale makeup. Or you can get a dress from Amazon. They have a few different styles.

Vampire Costume

The other type of sexy vampire costume is going to be something that you see in movies like Underworld. It is a gothic inspired, steampunk look. It also can be overtly fetish inspired. A catsuit  paired with makeup and fake vampire teeth can be very effective.

Here are some cool looks inspired by the classic vampire.

This is a hooded look that has a spooky feel and is still sexy. If you want something that is classic and has a very Hammer Studies, Gothic vibe, then this is something you will like. You can add dark red lipstick, and fangs, and have an awesome outfit.

This is a bit more risque. It is shorter and it works well if you are like the dark red and black look. You can add your own personal touch like fishnet or other crazy leggins and get really high heels. It wouild make a super sexy outfit.

 I like this one because it has a lot of sass. Remember to check out what accessories you need to get. Some things like the hat are sold separately.

You might want to go as a Parisian vampire. One that might be seen hanging around the Moulin Rouge.

 A very sexy vixen. This outfit has lots of good reviews. Make sure to read what you are getting. Some things shown don't come in the basic costume, they are sold as exasperates. Alot of the time you don't have to get the separates, but in this case most of the ladies who got it said that it is totally worth it to get all of those separates.  

I like this because it looks like a vampire ballerina. Really very cool!

Another way to take it is to wear a gothic or steampunk type corset and use that over a white or black dress shirt. You can wear the vampire teeth and then you have a complete costume. Black jeans, slacks, or a skirt would work really well.


You can also get fake vampire fang bite marks to add to your neck. There are a bunch that are available online. If you shade around them they will look really cool.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Sexy Wonder Woman Costume: Two Great Halloween Outfits

You would never have thought that a television show from the 70's would still be so popular. The comic book was also really popular, but that can't account for why so many women and men love the wonder woman outfit. It is one of the most popular choices very year.

Wonder Woman is a really popular with women because it is a sexy costume that is not exploitative. There are critical studies about how important the character was to female characters in comic books. The character showed the possibility of a female character that was both tough and sexy. This is one reason why women love the outfit and the look. It shows that you can be both tough, powerful, and independent as well as strong.

Celebs seem to continue to love this outfit. You have Oliva Munn and  Kim Kardashian wearing this, and it shows up in television shows with Kaley Cuoco and Laura Prepon. Even supermodel Giselle Bundchen got into the act and showed up dressed as Wonder Woman.

The other cool thing about the outfit is that you can go retro with the boots and the metallic look, or you can do a modern look. You can also go as conservative as you like or choose to go really sexy. It also is a outfit that is not really hard to put together. There is no crazy makeup like when you do a vampire, zombie, or other scary outfit. The main thing is the costume which you can get online.

The classic sexy wonder woman outfit is styled after the original comic and the televison show. It has a skirt with stars, a red cape, and a gold tiara. You can also get a more modern outfit that has a sevier more body hugging bottom. There are a bunch of other designs that go after the same basic look with different stlyes. Some use full leggings, others have fishnet stockings (a definite modern update).

You could also design your own sexy wonder woman outfit by getting the pieces seperately. They sell the wristbands, the headbendm and boots. Some women get a wonder woman style bikini and wear that if they are going to a pool party. If you are thinking of putting it together realizze that the skirt and top are probally only going to be sold as a costume. You can get a wonder woman symbol tank top and panties, but the best seperates to get are going to be the cuffs and the boots. If you want to go really old school you can also get a golden lasso.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Daenerys Halloween Costume

Game of Thrones is one of the most popular television shows out there, and Daenerys or Khaleesi, is the certainly one of the most popular characters. This is true for fans of the books as well. Emilia Clarke became famous and her look and style on the show is one of the hottest Halloween costumes.

The Khaleesi costume or Daenerys costume is so popular that women all over are searching for ways to make it themselves because there is no official costume licensed by HBO.

One of the big parts of the outfit is the hair. Emily Clarke is a brunette, but in the show she has long flowing platnium blonde hair. So, no matter what style you choose you will want a cool looking hair. You can get a  Platinum Style Danerys Wig at Amazon.

You can see a woman making her own in the following video. It turns out really well. That said she does warn you that it takes a lot of work. If you don't know how to sew, then you probably want to find clothing that looks like the stuff Daenerys wears. She has a few different looks. There is the blue dress, the white dress from season 1, the warrior outfit she has as the Khalessi. Also, the blonde wig. Don't forget the plutonium blonde wig.

This is a great outfit. It has the look of the princess as well as the toughness that Daenerys exemplifies as a Khalessi.

Here is the video. A blogger HeyNadine has a two part series on making her own Daenerys outfit. It turned out really awesome.

The Blue Dress is something you should probably get from Amazon. I wouldn't try making that one. Or the white one either.

The first thing you should do is figure out which look you are going for: Daenerys--which is the princess style, flowing gown, long platinum blonde hair or the Khaleesi outfit--which is going to be more rough. You can use the same wig for each costume. You can wear the same dragon pin or broach. The main difference is going to be the dress or gown. Khalessi wears pants and a sort of corset. The video from Hey Nadine above shows you how to make your own. Or you can get a corset of brown halter top that has a similar look and add a platinum wig to it.